d o r m i o
to begin, fill out the following information to customize your timer-based dream incubation session.
the subject that you want to dream about. could be a word, like "elephants", or a phrase, like "elephants at the beach."
a message to remind yourself what to dream about as you fall asleep. could be something like, "remember to think about elephants."
a message to wake yourself up and request a dream report. could be something like, "tell me what you're thinking about."
this is how many times you want to be woken up and fall back asleep.
this is the amount of time that you'll stay in a state of light sleep (hypnagogia) before the dormio system prompts you again to remind you what to dream about.
this step is optional, and wards against too-early and too-late sleep detection. it is the approximate range of time in which you'll fall asleep when you lie down. dormio will pick a time in this range to give the first prompt.
this is about how long it will take for you to fall asleep again after being awoken by dormio and reporting your dream.
this is how long dormio will spend calibrating your biosignals.
this is how long dormio will record your dream report for.
after you press the start button, lay down, relax, and drift into sleep.